kommt meine amazon bestellung erst abend an?
meine amazon bestellung soll heute ankommen, allerdings steht da das es bis 20 uhr geliefert wird, aber warum so spät? sonst kommen die pakte meistens am morgen oder mittag an
kann mir das vlt jemand erklären? und sagen ob das wirklich erst abend ankommt
there are duchaus package services outside DHL, which also deliver in the afternoon. Hermes, UPS or DPD would be mentioned. In some regions of the country, the Amazon has already acquired its own supply service. Therefore, it can be duchaus that the delivery just comes in the evening.
Lg, Anna
“… until 8:00…” means that it can come all day, depending on the route, the driver can be there at 10:00 a.m. in the morning, but it could also be later.
You’d be well served at 8:00. For me (about 8 km from the nearest Amazon delivery warehouse), the Amazon’s own drivers will be delivered by 22:00.
the order comes tomorrow.
This is probably due to the fact that AMAZON is not only sent by DHL and Co. in which certain times are used in its region, but also its own service providers slaves are engaged in the broadcasts. Their tours are also available until late in the evening.