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The fax modem is connected to a telephone line, i.e. the socket on the router to which one would also connect a phone.
A fax mouse that would be based on a VoIP phone would be possible, but that would be a pure hobby project of a tech crazy, because the demand after that would be so low that no commercial provider would also only consider starting development.
Nope, there’s a telephone cable coming in, no LAN cable.
That’s crap. I wanted to set up my fax machine today. Unfortunately, my router has no free DSL connection anymore.
I guess you’re messing up here. And what kind of router do you use?
Use an online fax service to test or send yourself one if you can receive fax.
An idea how I can then test if I can also fax? Because unfortunately I don’t know anyone I could send a fax.
Are you still there?
Unfortunately, yes. I’ll have to move the cable. 20m are more than sufficient.
Then how do I know if the fax arrived? Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone I could send a fax to the test.
It looks good. Only I don’t think that’s 20 meters without. Or is the device so far from the router?
If I buy something wrong, I’ll show you what I want to buy, and whether it’s the right cable.
CSL – 20m Phone Cable TAE-F Plug on RJ11 Plug – Int. Standard 6P4C / 4-pinned – Flat cable – from analog phone box to telephone Fax modem router answering machine, 20 meters black: Electronics & Photo
Jupp, that’s it.
The article is already “something” older, so some things can be slightly different. But in basics he should help you:
Fax number goes with and without pre-selection, depends on whether it comes from the same pre-selection area. Always with preselection is safer.
I have a total of three phone numbers. A phone number to call us. And the other two phone numbers are not occupied. I can then choose a phone number and choose a fax number. The question is then only if you need to specify the pre-selection with +49 to fax me. Or can you fax without a pre-election?
Yeah, that’s right.
I have a cordless phone that is not connected to Tel Port. There I could then connect the phone cable and connect it to my printer. I hope this time I understood it correctly.
There is no DSL cable. There is a port designed for connection to the phone box (1st TAE) in the apartment/house. Other LAN ports for the PC’s etc. pp.
Then the device only has an analog port. If he’s already busy, you need a switch. The fax grinder usually does not work clean and the callers listen to your fax modem which is really unpleasant.
If you have a cordless phone, you may be able to log on to the base of the speed port. Otherwise, another option is to pack the Speedport aside and switch to a Fritzbox. It has an integrated fax.
No DSL cable. You need a telephone cable that goes into the TEL port from the router and then to the fax.
I see. So I just need one phone adapter, and there I connect the DSL cable and connect the DS cable with my printer. Did I get that right?
Fax to Tel port from the router, not DSL.
Yeah. I have a new printer with fax function. I just have to connect the DSL cable to the printer and then connect the DAL cable to the router, right? I’m asking because I’ve never set up a fax printer.
Unfortunately has no integrated fax. So you need a matching cable for a connection to one of the analog ports.
This is the Speedport 4 from Telekom.