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Contrary to an often established assertion, the conscription in Germany is not abolished, but only suspended – this is a big difference.
Just as it was possible to suspend conscription, the suspension could also be reversed.
Whether and, if so, when, nobody knows, because this is probably also dependent on whether the BW can keep its staff strength.
In the form in which they had, I would actually completely exclude it. In this way, too much infrastructure, personnel and equipment have been abandoned by the Bundeswehrreform and its rebuilding into a smaller professional army. To reverse this requires more than one special asset. Such a financial and structural force is not to be expected.
I would rather see a social, social year of duty that includes military service as a choice. But I do not see the re-establishment of general conscription at all.
“I would rather see a social, social term of duty that includes military service as a choice.”
According to the ECHR, a compulsory military service with a replacement service is excluded from the prohibition of forced labour, but such a general year of duty would in any case fall under forced labour and would therefore be a violation of human rights.
For the first time, one has to say: there is still a duty of war, this has never been abolished. It’s just suspended.
Is she coming back?
It is unlikely that BW has neither the infrastructure nor the personnel to do so. Even if we were to re-establish the compulsory military service, it would take years before the lack of infrastructures (not only barracks that were closed, but also buildings that have been reworked) and also the staff structure is so adapted that a general compulsory military service can be carried out again as it was before the suspension.
The suspension was a mistake, but basically not the rotten egg that was put into the nest as much as the Union politician and writer Gutenberg did not end up and also only half-heartedly implemented. It was not considered as so often what comes after it, but the main thing you get on TV…but I’m waking
Politics will be happy to try this, but there will be a huge shouting and the complete antidote, so they will be abolished again.
Please leave the non-explaining half-sets. If you have a counter-argument then formulate it or leave it.
He was good.
Okay. And now again as a sentence.
Well, if you don’t even lie wrong…
This “complete antidote and huge shouting” did not exist with millions of conscripts….Maybe you were not yet in the world at the time, were not drawn in, had no financial disadvantages by it, was not restricted in your recreational design, drawn into convulsions ….as all those who have done their duty.
I was part of the first year that had no conscription. The people I know who still have to find it absolutely insane as they see no sense in war and 2. the Bundeswehr is in a disointed state. It has nothing to do with a sense of duty when you have to call ‘Peng’ in shooting exercises.
I think the reintroduction would fail to see that in an analysis of power the reintroduction would cost billions of euros in advance, because one would have to build countless new barracks first, and the Bundeswehr would have to completely restructure and need additional instructors, etc. At the same time, all military experts would also be told that the Bundeswehr is a NATO army that cannot start with military personnel.
Thus the reintroduction would have failed before one really tried to implement it.
The countless new barracks come to the eastern external borders of NATO. There, the conscripts can get used to living together with our friends from the other Nato countries and in serious cases is also much faster on the front.
It is possible that new barracks are built in the states with a border with Russia, but if German soldiers are stationed there, there is no need for military personnel.
The last time that Germany used conscripts against their will abroad was 1945.
I suspected it.
And since we were both in the administration, we know each other personally.
Best regards
Exactly. How do you know?
You were certainly, just like many comrades and I, for weeks volunteering in Ahrtal, have sacrificed your holiday and can therefore judge it from your own view….
Thank you very much for this
What does this have to do with the conscription debate? That the Greens like to play war is nothing new.
How long has that been? Since then, the Bundeswehr has massively dismantled, both material and human.. What was still feasible at your time – aside from the sensuality – is now absolutely no longer possible without making itself a complete full-length.
And theme ‘help’. Current example Ahrtal: most of the aids were either volunteer/ungelernt or fire brigade or THW. There was hardly anyone who was forced to play war.
Times can change quickly. If the Greens in the 80s were still vehement against all kinds of warfare, Anna-L today delivers eager weapons to Ukraine.
The people who still, like me, have dismissed their military service did not have to call “peng”….
They certainly saw a sense of helping their fellow human beings – be it at the big heath fire in the area of Lüchow Dannenberg Gifhorn, then in the snow winter in the north and also twice at the Oder flood.
The people we have helped, yes, to whom we have saved lives and property… not find this “insane”….and much would not have been done without the then conscripts….
If necessary, we will have to regain our duty. 100%
Definitely. As far as I know, she’s only paused in Germany and not completely disappeared.
Hopefully. Without this, the “turn of time” cannot be achieved.
So, if ever, please for the women. No exception. And please send the women to the near fight. Then the German Bundeswehr sees that Helmut Schmidt’s proposal to prescribe short hair only for men, but not so smart.