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Most women don’t care what car a man drives. It’s more important to them if the man is okay.
From me, a man could also ride a bike or walk on foot if the man would be likeable to me, that would be indifferent to me.
I don’t know how you men always come up with the idea that attraction has something to do with the car brand he’s driving.
not all.
only those with a small …..
Uh, choose the car you can drive best with.
The rest of you, someone who jumps on the car, just jumps on because it looks beautiful and high-quality, and that indicates a lot of money.
A Porsche will take you from A – B. And a smart too.
… where the smart is not just inexpensive …
Surely better than a multipla. However, you should be aware of what kind of woman is jumping on. And if you really need that.
A Escort service will make you cheaper.
Not for those who want to bind as a man in the long term.
Is a nice car but I wouldn’t want my women to taste their car or have someone who stands more on the car than on you.
The best type can sit in a smart 🤷 ♂️
Most likely the convertible version. Cabrios are a well-known women’s magnet.
Rs7 convertible all right
I also thought haha
Yeah, well, but buy a Proll-SUV.
For those who show what status is so important – yes. Proll-SUVs are more comfortable (especially for non-portable) and better suited for shopping than sports cars.
Style, joke and grips are coming to women…
yes, especially with the climate adhesives!
Smart women want to marry a humorous and sensitive man and not an alules.
Since I do not take this question seriously:
Only if AMG equipment is available.
Depends on the taste of the woman but you want to impress the car to women 💀
The superficial women maybe…
I love such questions 🍿
The c8 certainly
Most of the girls are pretty angry, whether there’s a3 or a7 or rs…
or with PNV
Most people don’t care. My experience – with the girls who really care about this is the brand. After that, whether it is comfortable. After that, which specific model it is.
A woman has no sex with your car. Why would she impress that?
I think some women who have sex only because of the car with someone have more with the account stand sex (hope you understand the playback) until a bigger account stand comes.
I think you know the wrong women….
When it comes to having IM car sex, I recommend a van or a camper ðŸ ̃‚
definitely not. but I will leave you your illusions.
These are clearly the wrong ones.
the ones who do not go to such a cheap level.
A lapel remains a lapel, no matter what car he goes for