Kommt DHgate Bestellung an?

Hi Leute, habe mir kürzlich etwas bei DHgate gekauft. Allerdings sagten mir bekannte Menschen, dass viele Bestellungen aus China aktuell vom Zoll rausgefischt werden. Hat jemand positive Erfahrungen mit DHgate? Ich freue mich auf Antworten!

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7 months ago

If the goods are legal, capable of importing and correctly declared, they will also arrive.

I’m sure they’re all the points you’ve already checked in advance.

2 months ago

I haven’t ordered DHGATE yet, probably won’t. At AliExpress ordered a portmonee and it turned out that the seller sent a plagiarism. Hanged in customs. Get a letter to destroy it. Powered. That’s what I thought. Later from the Legal team of the damaged fire received and had to pay 400€ damage. And even though I didn’t know it was a plagiarism (not recognizable in images, reviews not recognizable, etc) a local lawyer could not help me out and had to pay. You have to expect that you can get forgery and I accepted it when I ordered it.

7 months ago

As a rule All Ships controlled by customs from third countries.

And if an article should turn out to be a fake, it will be Your Destroyed costs, you have none at all Buyer protection and you will get even more expensive mail from the right owner, check here:

Click: Plagiate and Customs

Click: Bargains from Chinese online shops-it threatens seizure

This can easily be three to four digits together.