Kommt der Vater das Kind holen?
Guten Tag, gestern war mein Kind krank und ich habe ärztliche Bescheinigung. Den Kindsvater habe ich auch mitgeteilt und heute geht es mein Kind etwas besser das habe ich dem Kindsvater auch mitgeteilt und dass er das Kind heute abholen kann da heute und gestern sein Umgang auch ist es er hat die Nachricht gelesen, aber nicht geantwortet, woher soll ich jetzt wissen, ob er dss Kind heute abholt oder nicht?
Just ask him and write into the question if he doesn’t answer you until, for example, 12 or 13 o’clock, that means for you, he doesn’t come.
What is probably very close to the father
either he’s here right now or he’s not. he doesn’t come, go over to plan b and do whatever else you do.
Okay, thank you my concern isn’t that I’m getting trouble because I wasn’t home and didn’t give it, but he could have let him know, or
I’m sure he can, if he doesn’t come, he’s got bad.
There are counselling centres to which one can contact if one has been in a situation of separation so that one can no longer deal with one another in the sense of child welfare as adult, reasonable people. Is there any idea for you?
Sometimes I really wonder…
By contacting the child father 😀
How about you call him?
How would anyone know if he came here today or not?
Ask the man himself.
Well, how do you know this? Just call him.
Just call him.
Like when he blocked me by calling
I couldn’t know. Then write to him that he should let you know by 10.30 p.m. about preparing for lunch with the hint that if he does not notify himself until then, you will assume that he dispenses with his handling today.
And if he insists to wake it up, it is unfortunately so, but it would in all cases document it, because it is not in the sense of child welfare and not at all if it is ill.
That’s stupid. If he hasn’t reported until midday, put the child in bed.
And I don’t see it, I don’t see it.
I still have to give the child to him if it’s asleep.
You see if he read the message. When he arrives, and your child makes noon sleep, he must come back later. If it’s not yet asleep, will you have to agree to the handling, that’s probably so fixed?
13 months old
How young is your child?
And what do I do if he doesn’t even report and he just rings with me and says he’s with me and I thought he’s not going to handle it?
Ok thanks
Wait for an answer. Or just call.
He blocked me by calling just write
Do you want me to look into my glass ball? How do we know?
By asking him?
We don’t know what a man unknown to us will do. Asking us that doesn’t make any sense.
“Where should I know now whether he’s taking dss child today or not?”
Question: How do we know?
Why can’t you behave like adult people?
Yes, please tell him…
Why should I. Take care of yourself or about the lawyer or the family court. He’s not even accessible for emergencies.