Kommt der Sound von einer E-Gitarre?
In der ersten 15 Sekunden https://youtu.be/j7YObSCRapg?si=U0SX-GnAWY9QPqbG
Falls ja, Braucht man eine hochwertige E-Gitarre, um das zu spielen?
In der ersten 15 Sekunden https://youtu.be/j7YObSCRapg?si=U0SX-GnAWY9QPqbG
Falls ja, Braucht man eine hochwertige E-Gitarre, um das zu spielen?
Hi Leute, ich wollte schon seit ich klein bin Ukulele spielen, das ist aber mit den Jahren etwas vergessen gegangen. Jetzt ist es mir wieder in den Sinn gekommen und dann habe ich mir gleich mal eine Ukulele gekauft. Nun mit einer Ukulele kann man nicht viel anfangen, wenn man sie nicht spielen kann. Hat…
hallo Leute, wisst ihr ungefähr, wie viel so ein neuer Sattel kostet und könnt ihr eventuell erkennen was für einen Sattel ich habe? Die Gitarre ist von meinem Onkel und ich kenne mich nicht aus.
Welche Marke/Modell findet ihr am besten.
Ich gründe wahrscheinlich bald eine Band weiß aber noch nicht für welche Musikrichtung. Ich singe selbst und da ich eine recht tiefe Stimme habe, konnte ich mich bisher nicht entscheiden. Ich habe aber nicht wirklich Lust auf so Rammstein Musik. Danke im voraus
ich würde gerne schöner singen können und wollte nochmal fragen: was muss man alles beachten, wie übt man, muss man vor dem Singen sich irgendwie einstimmen und generell Tipps wie man eine klarere Stimme bekommt und was Fehler wären, also was man nicht tun sollte würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könnt( bitte nur…
There are two guitars, one plays the rhythm part and the other plays the solo. The effect device is a ‘Harmonizer’. He then makes the second voice and, depending on the type, even more. There are those to which the rhythm guitar is connected, so the harm gets the sound out and plays the right sound, usually works and is a matter of practice. You can do one or two songs, or you’ll get bored.
There’s something like that for singing.
LG, joe.
Thank you! 😊
This is definitely not a harmonizer but individually played guitars.
There are several guitars to hear. There is a background that plays the chord tones individually with undisturbed sound. A rhythm guitar that plays distorted power chords.
One or two electric guitars that play the melody. So one hears 2, which play the same melody a bit in the tones (1st voice, 2nd voice). However, this can also be connected to the Harmonizer effect. This electric guitar(s) is/are distorted.
Will mean: you need an electric guitar, a distorter (this is a basic effect of an electric guitar, some of which are already included in the amplifiers) and a program that allows you to record the different guitars one after the other. Except for the guitar, there is even free or for little money for downloading the PC. Then you need a special audio input for the PC.
Or you buy the effects: Distortion for the melody. In addition, Delay (Echo) and Reverb (Hall) and also a Chorus (Doppler) and optionally a Flanger (sounds a time-shifted Doppler with frequency overlaps). They are available individually, also as multi-effect devices or even for PC, including free or almost free.
Thank you! 😊
It’s an electric guitar! The sound comes from an effect device which is connected between guitar and amplifier.
Thank you! 😊
Yeah, sure.
Just an effect device that produces this sound.
Thank you! 😊
Electric guitar(s) in the foreground, acoustic guitar(s) in the background.
However, I would not be as sure as some others here that it really needs to be an effect – clearly, you could play about Harmonizer and co, but I honestly rather guess that you just played several tracks over each other. In places I listen to up to 2 acoustic guitars and 3 or 4 electric guitars at the same time, which sounds more like Overdub – so play over the track again… or just a division of the voices – for example how Iron Maiden likes to make.
Does the guitar have to be high? Jain. It doesn’t have to be a multi-thousand euro guitar, which can theoretically be played with a 79€ Harley Benton – it’s just important that the strings are dressed accordingly and the guitar is “sing” in the upper string positions and not completely “shot and breaks away”.
Many favorable guitars are absolutely fine up to the 12th fret and all in addition leads to the sniffing and “dead spots” so almost dead points…hots, you play the 14th fret, but listen to the 16th, which comes from the fact that the 16 was simply a millimeter fraction too low or was not properly pressed in, so that the string rests there.
But, as I said, if the string position and octaver unit fit to this point, it doesn’t matter how expensive and high-quality the guitar is…now, apart from the sound, but this is another topic. :
I hear two electric guitars, one that plays the accompaniment in clear tone and one that plays this melody. Guaranteed is there an effect device with in the game. Gruss
Thank you! 😊