Kommt der Marder nachts durchs offene Fenster meine Kaninchen holen?

Hallo, wir wohnen auf dem Dorf. Jetzt hab ich Angst wenn ich nachts das Fenster auf Kipp lasse, dass ein Marder reinkommt und unsere Kaninchen tötet.

Die leben bei uns in freier Wohnungshaltung. Hab mir nie Gedanken gemacht bis jetzt aber hatte dazu einen Beitrag bei Kaninchenwiese gesehen, dass Marder einfach in den 1. Stock kommen. Es wird jetzt so warm, da kann ich doch nachts nicht die Fenster zulassen.

Hat jemand einen Tipp oder Idee dazu?


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2 years ago

So we have very many rabbits (20), correspondingly also strong rabbit odour for prey. And we see the more often marten sneaking around at night in the garden with us. I always sleep with open window and also the rabbit room is always open in summer. Nothing has happened in 14 years. The Marders even avoid the balcony with us. Normally, no one should come to the house. Roof chair yes, but room where more human smell is not

2 years ago

It can happen, but if a marten really goes through the window when you sleep there?

I’ve got a solid fly grating in front of my window with Alurand. If this is too insecure to you, you have to build a wooden frame and clamp rabbit grids on it.

2 years ago

The fact that a marten enters human dwellings is very unlikely. He likes to go to roof chairs that will not be entered by people.

Even in housing that smells like humans, he is very careful, although never someone is in the night in this shed.

Entering a window into a room is almost unthinkable.

2 years ago

Hello 🙋🏽

Yes, that’s possible. The animals are very smart and I wouldn’t take any risks.

Even if you just flip the windows, it’ll fit through.

Dear Greetings I hope I could help you