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1 year ago

Hello Rseitz👋

It already makes a difference whether a person smokes 1 cigarette per week, one 1 per day or one 1 box per day.

It is not possible to say in a flat-rate manner what age someone develops, but of course it is so that the amount of consumption can decide whether one is more predestined than another and to what extent possibly, someone who smokes more than another harms his body more, and therefore probably suffers earlier consequences, which can also be more extensive.

But I don’t know what to do with Baularm. What I know is to stop that not only comes to good for the purse but also for health.

1 year ago

Your question sounds like neighborhood dispute.

Jein, frequent causes of diseases are alcohol, smoking, obesity, genetic disposition and lack of movement.

This can result in cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc.

1 year ago

What do Baularm and Smoking have to do with each other?

And no, smoking 50, especially 20, is dangerous.