Komm ich in eine Psychiatrie wenn ich abhaue?
Ich bin 14 Jahre alt und hab nur noch Streit mit meinen Eltern und meine Eltern bevorzugen auch nur meine Schwestern(ich bin die jüngste) ich habe meine Eltern darauf schonmal angesprochen aber die machen nix dagegen und deswegen möchte ich anhauen aber wie lange wird es dauern bis sie mich finden oder mich jemand sucht und komm ich dann in eine Psychiatrie oder sowas oder bekomme ich strafen?
Shaping does not solve your problems, but only brings you more. This would also expose you to dangers that cannot be underestimated. You’d be found by the police within a short time and normally taken home.
In the psychiatry, idR is only obtained if one is self-prone and/or is a danger to third parties. As you have reported in your other question about your suicide thoughts & intentions, it might actually be possible to spend you in a child/young psychiatric institution, you should (by psychic means). assessment) are classified as self-protected.
I really strongly advise you to get rid of it, because it doesn’t bring you anything positive. Please talk to trustees about your problems; if you can’t talk to your parents about it, you can contact your trust teacher, school psychologists, your pediatrician or youth office.
You’re not alone, there’s help you can use/shouldest – it’s about you, your life & your future, so: Please help, because you are valuable and life still holds so much beautiful & positive for you.
Thanks for the star:)
I wish you the best, take care of you.
With 14 years you are not yet open, but only with 18 years. Until then, your parents have the right to education for you. So you’re punishable if you’re deprived of your parents’ right of education without your permission. If the relationship between your parents and you is unbearable to you, there is the Youth Office that will turn on. So you’d have to report to the competent youth office and ask for an interview. There you can describe your situation. The Youth Office would then invite your parents to a conversation and try to resolve your conflict.
LG by Manfred
You’ll get punishment from your parents with a chance. This is why you do not come to a psychiatrist, but the youth office will be turned on safely and then you (apparently also very necessary) get support from social workers.
It won’t take long to find you.
It’s not a reason for a psychiatry. But what does not mean you could not get into a psychiatry, because there could be other reasons for a stay there.
How long it takes to find you depends on how you get dressed when you go.
What are you getting? The ones your parents give you.
It is also possible for the Youth Office to turn on. Then you and your family will get help from there.
But now I’m honest. What are you getting through? Where are you going? How are you going to finance this? What changes? I think it’s an insane measure.
they will find you at the latest if you have no more money
Snoring, staying at horny, old men, crimes, all crap, if I can write that way…