Komisches Tier am Strand gefunden?
Hallo, wir haben gerade Verwandte die auf einer Insel der Nordsee Urlaub machen. Als die am Strand einen Spaziergang gemacht haben fanden sie diese Tier was sie nicht kannten… weiß jemand was das für ein tier ist? Würe mich sehr über eine Antworten freuen ^^
I proposed sea cucumber myself, but I just have to refute it.
As @kuechentiger has suggested, it is a sea mouse and no sea cucumber!!
This was also my original thought, but then I doubted that structures that were initially interpreted as bristles on the photo are actually such.
Maybe @JoernGamer can recognize this also the original photo of his mother. Then one of the two variants departed.
even worse quality was not possible?
You don’t recognize that much.
I’m sorry I photographed the photo of my mother’s phone ._. I’ll see if I can send something
Is not mean evil, but with only a little fantasy you can even recognize eye cavities and ears.
best always make several photos of different pages.
Hej JoernGamer,
as already suggested by @Bacon85, it is actually a sea cucumber type, namely the sea cucumber (Stitchopus regalis).
The animal lay on the side at the time of taking so that on the photo the body’s lower side can be seen as under the next link, and the otherwise partly reddish coloring of the body’s upper side naturally disappears when the animal dies or is close to death.
… and thank you to @antnschnobe, UserMod Light for hinting on your question 🙂
Seemaus (Aphrodita aculeata) maybe?
I don’t want to exclude this because of the unsharp photos!
Ne sea cucumber or a snail?
Ne Seegurke can be net already gogled but no similar looking animal found with sea cucumber or snail.
This fits with the sea cucumber 🙂
A dragon?