Komisches Gefühl in Auge?
Hey ich bin 13/m und habe irgendwie seid 6 Tagen so ein Gefühl in Auge als war das was haben schon gefühlt 100mal nachgeguckt habe aber nichts gesehen kann Grad nicht zum artzt das ich in Urlaub bin weiß jemand was das sein könnte Gerstenkorn glaub ich auch nich kennt das jemand und was hilft ?
LG Tois
Eye drops help well. It can be that dirt has been lying in your eye. Rinse with water and blink quickly.
Thanks I try tomorrow 😁
A feeling of foreign body could be due to dry eyes. Eye drops like Artelac Splash or Hylo Comod would be helpful. If the eye is generally irritated, Berberil N eye drops or Vidisan eye drops could be helpful.
When the eyes are itchy or red could be an allergy behind it or a viral eye inflammation. An ophthalmologist should be recommended.
If the eye is additionally obscured could be (does not have to) there is a bacterial infection that should be let down by the ophthalmologist. Antibiotic eye drops would then be necessary.