Strange feeling in the head 2 days after taking ecstasy?

It feels like a vein in my brain is pulsing? I don't know how to describe it better, but it feels like a brief pressure or pumping in my brain that's been happening every now and then (every 5-10 seconds when I look around) since yesterday.

Otherwise I'm fine.

Thank you in advance for your answers 😁

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1 year ago

That sounds more like a blocked/ braced neck muscle…

Is the movement loose, fluffy, free, or cracked and also slightly muskular, when turning?

1 year ago
Reply to  TrippyDemon

Yes, if I’m quite out of mind, extasy is also relaxing, but there is a risk of getting caught up by prolonged misconception, because you don’t notice it so badly, or afterwards, too tired. And this can affect veins in the neck area and affect these sympthomes.

With regard to the response of larvae, it also strengthens or causes a deficiency, such tensions, or feelings in the head.

Lars Wilkening
1 year ago

Drink enough water, try to eat something and balance your household with electrolytes and vitamins. And of course sleep. Bananas are super

Lars Wilkening
1 year ago
Reply to  TrippyDemon

Your memories are empty, at least for electrolytes. Bananas look good. Sleeping is super important, especially for the psyche. And until next time extasy leave some time so your serotonin household is restored to some extent

Lars Wilkening
1 year ago

That sounds reasonable

1 year ago

rainbow sheep xD listen best to take xtc