Komisches Bild in Shein Bestellung?
Eine Freundin von mir hat bei Shein bestellt und in dem Paket war ein Bild von einem Man der schwarz weiß gedruckt war sehr verstörend aussah und einen Apfel in der Hand hielt unten auf dem Bild stand etwas auf Russisch geschrieben nach langer Suche und Hilfe haben wir dann herausgefunden was dort stand und konnten endlich mehr finden und zwar war das sein Name und es gibt nur eine Sache über ihm im Internet und zwar ein Video auf YouTube wo auch das gleiche Bild wie in dem Paket drinne vorkam und sehr viel mit Illuminati und anderen komischen Bildern und sogar Minecraft clips wo Äpfel geworfen wurden 😩😂 trotzdem war nicht nur das Video auch etwas verstörend aber was ich mich Frage ist WAS MACHT DAS BILD IN DEM PAKET VON SHEIN und wie kann sowas überhaupt passieren.
It conveys a message or should try to mediate
Someone sticks it on it.
Probably the guy himself or a supporter of him.
That’s true, but it can be really creepy
Yeah, right, that can be quite disturbing.
Other Shein customers had live scorpions as Gimmick. You have to count on everything. 😬
Yes I have seen the videos on TikTok but they are not really
They’ll be real.
Just leave the fingers of Shein. Remember what people there need to pack your pack for a pair of CENT a day…
ok maybe but I find that with the man of Illuminati really very funny in nem package because this is much deeper than maybe a fierce joke with nem scorpion in nem package if you understand what I mean
Then an employee put it in there. Maybe to send a message?
I’ve already thought of it just what’s funny is that it’s a Russian man, although shein was produced in China and as far as I know also packed
This is the problem when you order in such questionable markets as Shein. Get your hands off me!
Yeah, I’m aware that the shein isn’t good, I don’t want to tell you about it.
Please stop screaming!
I generally wanted to point out that such content is not as surprising when ordered by Shein / Temu.
well sorry for “screaming” the answer here just found very inappropriate and has very annoyed me because if you have panic fear of such a discovery in your package and otherwise what thinks like e.g. threat etc. is such an answer really unnecessary
I tried to answer your question and you yelled at me.
I just find your answers inconceivably inappropriate because I’m aware of what Shein is for a fucking market. It’s about the situation with the creepy picture
Post the picture:D
I didn’t show the picture today at work by my girlfriend or colleague but I didn’t have her number but I can try to write it on Instagram but I can only describe the picture because I found it nowhere that was a one with a glasses that keeps his hand weirdly cramped and hard to recognize an apple in it he has nenn short fullbar and looks just really creepy 🥲😩