Strange exclamation mark on cervical spine MRI?
Maybe someone has an idea what the exclamation mark means?
I'm a little unsure about that.
Greetings from Leipzig
Maybe someone has an idea what the exclamation mark means?
I'm a little unsure about that.
Greetings from Leipzig
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This means that it has only been created electronically and cannot be used for finding
So that doesn’t mean what’s bad is no reason to worry
All the best
Nothing to do with your finding.
With the finding, why am I actually a MRI?
No with what’s on the picture. It only has to do with the settings of the device.
Thank you very much, I was really worried. Had previously read somewhere that it means a random finding and not the actual objective of the investigation.
No reason. The exclamation sign has no meaning for you.
In addition, this is not a recording for finding, but it serves for planning
Good appetite
Thank you, the alarm bells were screaming at me.
I’ll eat ice cream on the fright