Strange bites on your body?

I suddenly have a few bites on my body that look like mosquito bites, that are just suddenly there and I'm 100% sure that they aren't mosquito bites because you would notice them. In one place there are even four next to each other, they itch and burn. Does anyone have any idea where they come from?

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4 months ago

Unfortunately, you can’t close from a stinging insect. Especially since we don’t even see the stitches. Stitch reactions are individual. Every person reacts differently because each immune system reacts differently. Some react with large squares, others don’t see anything. When stitches are close to each other, it is so that fleas or bedbugs could be considered. Flöhe also likes to stick to the legs, bedbugs can stick everywhere. If there are more tricks, you have to play a bit of detective and consider where the tricks could come from.

4 months ago
Reply to  fionelle

Vielen Dank für den Stern! 😊