Komische Gedanken und Todesangst?
Hallo, was ganz komisches momentan habe ich Angst überhaupt raus zu gehen oder sonst irgendwas zu mache, weil ich klingt komisch aber das Gefühl habe bald zu sterben. Es raubt mir echt die Freude. Könnt ihr mir vielleicht Tipps geben die Angst weg zu bekommen oder ob jemand weiß woran es liegt. Das ich vielleicht auch einfach nur eine Angststörung habe. Lg. <3
Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: you can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone.
I found out about mortality. I’m Christ, I believe in an eternal life after death. I’m not afraid of death. That I’m not very afraid, that’s my faith. I therefore believe that death is not all over.
If you want to know a lot what convinces me that there is God and a life after death, you can ask me or go to my profile.
I would advise you to talk to God and give him strength and courage. Whoever is with God does not need to be afraid of dying anyway.
Have you been drinking a lot of alcohol lately? Sometimes you have such weird thoughts after excessive alcohol consumption.