Komische Erkälung kein Geruch sinn und kein Geschmack?
Hallo,Ich bin etw 3 Tage erkältet,und ich Spüre keinen Geruch und keinen Geschmack ist das Normal,ich habe Halschmerzen,Schnupfen und Kälte gefühl.
Was kann ich tun ist das Normal
Ich habe mir schon so oft die Nase Komplett geputzt so das sie Komplett leer war aber ich habe nichts gerochen und nichts gescmeckt,und ich habe kein Fieber.
Kann das vlt Corona Virus sein,ich habe einen leichten Husten
I can’t smell if I’ve got a cold. And taste, it is also strongly limited.
Good improvement.
That’s normal, maybe Covid?
Will be better by yourself, wait + drink tea.
Smell/taste are also affected by very banal infects.
Without odor no taste – responsible for this are irritated/swollen mucous membranes.
It’s been a long time before Corona.
Jop’s right. At Covid, this is one of the classics and is currently going well. At the end, it doesn’t matter in most cases whether this is Covid, Influenza or anything else.
This could fit with Corona – just make a self-test, which still exists everywhere to buy.
Otherwise: a lot of drinking, light snacks and be careful is always a good measure.
Covid 19?
That’s quite typical.
Help only wait, drink a lot.
Smell/taste are also affected by very banal infects.
Without odor no taste – responsible for this are irritated/swollen mucous membranes.
It’s been a long time before Corona.
Sure, but that’s all it was with me at Corona. I had only a little taste, smell and taste were away from now on.
In other colds, the cold was really strong until I barely tasted and smelled.
That’s what I heard with others. In some cases it took 6 months until the taste was back.
Panik didn’t talk at all. It was only meant as a possible cause.
This can be quite different in other patients, only the different anatomical conditions make many patients more susceptible to symptom.
The real influenza is practically always associated with the loss of sense of smell and taste.
How easy to influence the taste shows a simple experiment:
There is absolutely no reason to panically evaluate the symptom. The sensitive mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract use time for regeneration.
What does your doctor say?
He or she will have examined you.