Komische begnegnung in kleinem dorf?
Ich wohne in einem kleinen dorf ca 1000 einwohner und eines tages sah ich einen shotten mit einem rock neben ihm ein man mit zopf und einer kippa ( vermutlich ein jude )beide sprachen englisch jedoch konnte man nichts verstehen hat dieses ereignis eine tiefere bedeutung ?
at some point a 3rd person joins with a bag
and then they sing together the song
“Under the Schottenrock is nothing” by Nico Haag
No real:
completely harmless,
with us there are even sometimes so-called “highland games” where there are also
Previously the best answer 😂 ne but playing with the highland could really be
are even real Schotren,
cool thing…
even in the Middle Ages market, real gravel was running around us
Tourists are nix supernatural
A clear case for file X.
No, what meaning should that have? Probably two tourists entertained
Little? My village has only about 200 to 250 inhabitants…
Maybe they went to a carnival ball.
Yeah, you’ve lost and you’re in Scotland.
I wondered why the road signs are in English
Yeah, take less drugs!
good tip I notice