Komische Akkorde [Akustik Gitarre]?

Ich verstehe nicht warum die Nachzeichen nach den Akkorden…

F ²

G ²

A #

gibt’s auch nicht auf meiner Akkorden Übersicht…

ist hier schon jemand erfahren mit Gitarre?

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Mathmaninoff, UserMod Light

These are not the chords, but the melody. The recorded note names match the melody of the song. C2 is a small terz over A, so the 1 was omitted. And the B was listed as A#.

Mathmaninoff, UserMod Light
Reply to  LODR12

In the picture in the supplement are no chords at all, but only the melody as note names. The letter B does not happen, but only A#.

You should get the chords from somewhere else.

6 months ago
Reply to  LODR12

Barré in the 6th Covenant. Just push the A one higher.

Mathmaninoff, UserMod Light

Normal notes are listed in notebook. Here, however, they are above the text.

Taking the melody tone as a basic tone of the chord is a possibility for harmonisation, depending on the music style. So-called power chords are also used, where the terz is missing.

On the other hand, in the refrain I hear the chord F major, a minor, d minor, B major, always changing to the next at the end of the line.

6 months ago

The 2 indicates a 2/3 retention chord. In jazz, also used without resolution, called “sus2” chord.

A cross corresponds to the sign #.

6 months ago
Reply to  LODR12

If I look at the chords like this, I wonder. This will not be a change between A and Ais major, making no sense. Must have a different meaning than usual.