Komisch, wenn ich keine traurigkeit empfinde?
Guten Abend.
Mein Kater ist vor ca. 3 Monaten verstorben und als wir ihn gefunden haben und so hab ich nicht geweint.
Ich hab erst stunden danach weinen können, aber nicht in dem Moment. Ich mache mir da immernoch ein paar Gedanken, weil er schon mein ganzes Leben bei mir war und er mein ein und alles war.
Und ich hatte in der Lage auch keine Panik oder so.
Ich saß einfach daneben und dachte mir warum…
Hier ein Bild von dem Lieben 🥲✨️🫶🏻
My condolences.
Had two cats who accompanied me all my life… For a little more than a year both have been dead
One died in my arms, the other was asleep when I was gone for a few hours
Ohh, I’m really extremely sorry😞
We were on vacation and a woman was allowed to live at home for free when she feeds our cat.
She didn’t do that and he was starved 😞
And his sister would be asleep four years ago.
Don’t be sorry… Both were quite old.🥲
But that your cat is starved is actually even worse
Yeah, that’s right…
Sadly, that’s what’s going through
No, we didn’t have a contract or something.
Was there any consequences for the woman who didn’t feed him?
But he got 17 and that’s good.
But he would have been much longer because he was really great on it!
Maybe you were in a shock state and had to realize what happened. Only in real realization or consequences could you let out your first feelings.
RIP to your cat and hope you’re okay.
Yeah, we’re fine again, thanks.
Yes, maybe you’re right, thanks a lot
My condolences for your cat,
often you are emotionally there in “Shock “ Or in a kind of function mode
if in my animals what was so far functioned I regle organize everything done, look for other animals and that without feeling anything. Only when everything is done come emotions
every one of us reacts with this pain differently and no matter how it is nothing bad, but everyone else processes differently or even self-protection is allowed many hours later that you realize it
Thank you.
I just think it’s funny that I’ve already cried with his sister and with him a lot later.
There are more and more factors purely whether the first animal is to let ma sleep (which is different if you know it before) or whether it is sudden, old health condition etc. None reacts 100% equal is often always individual after situations but it is always one of the three shock self-protection or function if you do not react immediately
Yes, that’s true, thank you