Kolloquium Ablauf Englisch?

Hallo leute, hilfe. ich weiß nicht wie ein Kolloquium in Englisch abläuft. Könnt ihr mir das erklären? Muss ich alles auswendig können oder was?


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11 months ago

No, you don’t have to be able to memorize everything. I took the exam too.

You should be able to speak liquid and know all the time forms. It is about talking about the subjects that have been dealt with in class. Either with the examiner or with a partner.

You will get questions on the subject where you need to explain something or discuss Pro and Kontra arguments with the other person.

You should inform yourself about the topics and bring background knowledge. Before the exam you get the tasks and then have time to make notes. It’s not without preparation.

Didn’t they tell you about it?