Kollege fragt ob ich eine Augabe übernehmen kann, obwohl wir beide den halben Tag nichts zu tun haben?
Wie lehne ich das höflich ab? (ich fühle mich dadurch ausgenutzt denn er ändert damit die vorgesehene Aufgabenverteilung vom Chef)
Er ist übrigens Stellvertretender für den Chef und die Aufgabe die er versucht, nicht zu machen, ist unbeliebt (Biologie Kram)
You already delivered the reasoning: He thus changes the planned assignment from the boss. You don’t want to go behind your boss, the boss will have thought about the distribution.
And then remain polite with no, strangling further discussions (you have to do). Also don’t come with “I’d like to, but…” Just stay short and close to the facts.
Grins, I’ve had that before. I said, I’m sorry, but the chief didn’t give me that. And then do something fast. Cucking on screen or in the book
If you don’t have anything to do, you can also do the job and ask for a favor if you have what you really don’t have time or a bock.
This is how the day goes faster.
Clear but the task is unpopular (work with feces)
Work on the distribution of tasks and reject. Take your time with your tasks.
Tell him you’re full.
in the days meanwhile, no one is burdened with us, from 12:00 everyone has almost nothing to do