Koks ist der Teufel?
Ich habe bisher ca 4 bis 5 Mal koks konsumiert und bin Recht unbeeindruckt. Das soll diese Teufel droge sein die so abhängig macht..
Ich denke es bezieht sich nicht auf sniffen sondern eher auf drücken und rauchen.
Habe vor es ab und an Mal Welten zu ziehen. Meine Frage ist nun ob ich es evtl doch unterschätze? Habe 15 Jahre Drogen Erfahrung mit verschiedenen Substanzen die ich alle in den Griff bekommen habe. Hierbei würde ich es nur ungerne unterschätzen. Bitte nur antworten von Leuten die Ahnung haben und nicht so keine macht den Drogen Ottos, danke
On the one hand, drugs naturally have a high degree of individuality, which is why it can be that a substance whose effects many like is not so much liked by many others. On the other hand, without Drugchecking not clarified what exactly you took. Even if cocaine was the only active substance, it is unclear how pure the material was.
Because it is quite clear. I’m not one of those who blew drugs. However, that there are substances that are more dangerous than others in the whole, cannot be denied. Cocaine is such a substance.
General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
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Thank you for your words. Find your profession also very interesting and important. Yes, it is partly frightening what young people are now abused for drugs. Mixed consumption has also increased very much recently, so that we now get almost daily patients directly to the intensive care unit under reanimation. Especially cocaine and benzos seem to be very widespread.
It was directed to @WARRIOREAGLE.
You definitely underestimate it, cocaine is one of the drugs with the highest dependence rate
If you don’t feel anything, you take a little more then a little more and then you’re in there and can’t stop and whether you pull it, spray it or anything else
I can advise you to leave drugs in general, but if that’s not an option I would try with LSD or similar, you can’t be so fast dependent
Many people do when it comes to coke quickly out of a mosquito an elephant but still you shouldn’t underestimate coke because according to my experience after the Craving effect when getting down is really not without.
Yes, you underestimate it. Just as the effect can be more subtle it is so easy to integrate it into everyday life.
Can you google after the toxologist Dr. David Nutt
Ghb ..glimmer than weed .hahahah that is graffiti cleaner .m ko drop .. 1000 times worse than gras .. just like ketamin .. I nix of this table
GHB is the substance that arises in the body when you consume GBL, which is a graphite.
The thing is stop GHB is illegal and GBL is not why most people consume GBL.
Thus, GHB is not a Graffitireiniger, but graffiti cleaner is misused to generate a GHB noise.
Furthermore, as regards the potential for drug damage, this is not a fixed factor but a matter of opinion.
Perfect example to explain this is, in my opinion, MDMA:
When it comes to addiction, cannabis is, for example, more dangerous than MDMA, but when it comes to toxicity, cannabis is healthier than MDMA.
You don’t understand. It is considered not only the toxicity but also, inter alia, the sociological damage.
You know ketamin because of your profession = in the medical sense it definitely has its permission.
I also know it professionally (long acting as an investigator in the BM scene) = there, unfortunately, one sees how much a potent & precisely useful means in intensive medicine is perverted by abusive use and life is destroyed:-(
(was even grateful that there is ketamine/ketanest {was on the IMC, due to a very severe surgical intervention}).
By the way: DANKE, people of your profession are very valuable and I pay the greatest respect for your work!
And for long-term use of ketamine, your urinary bladder takes irreparable damage, so it can lead to incontinentz or even comletter removal of the bladder. Because the degradation products of ketamine attack the inner wall of the bladder and destroy it.