Kokosöl oder Sonnenblumenöl als Butterersatz?
Ist es eine gute Idee Kokosöl (bzw. Kokosfett) als Butterersatz beim Backen zu verwenden? Ändert das viel am Geschmack? Das gleiche gilt auch für Sonnenblumenöl. Ich habe vor, zwei unterschiedliche Sorten an Muffins zu backen. Zitronenmuffins und Schokoladenmuffins. Welches von beiden Ölen wäre besser dafür? Und wenn, in welchem Verhältnis zu der Angabe sollte das stehen? Also z. B. im Rezept steht, dass man 100g Butter braucht, wie viel Öl sollte man dann verwenden, damit der Teig nicht zu flüssig wird?
Sunflower oil and rapeseed oil (omega 6) cause inflammation in the body. Olive oil, buttershed or coconut oil have more Omega 3 and very healthy for the body.
What a fool.
Whoever informs himself is also helped.
The content of omega fatty acids in olive oil, butterschmalz or coconut oil is so low that it is hardly worth mentioning.
First, post.
Inform yourself instead of writing blind. Intelligence and knowledge is important!
So a nonsense, on the contrary, it contains a lot of Omega 3. You’re mad. Don’t be fooled!
Mall a small tip: Coconut oil contains as well as no Omega 3. What now?
“The Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are used as precursors for messengers and tissue hormones. While the omega-3 fatty acids are more likely to contribute to the production of anti-inflammatory fatty hormones, the omega-6 fatty acids are often used as precursors for the body’s synthesis of anti-inflammatory fatty hormones. In order to keep the right balance, it comes less to the absolute amount, but rather to an optimal ratio of the consumed omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It should be about 1:5. ‘
Quote from BmBF
Keeping balance is different from reducing.
There’s someone talking about themselves, that’s embarrassing.
Leave him alone. It’s embarrassing.
Where does your ignorance come from? I know you don’t seem to be.
They hardly contain omega 3 fatty acids.
As already said: first inform, then post.
Coconut fat is just as healthy, or unhealthy, like pig malt. That coconut fat is healthy is a long-standing fairy tale.
From taste, I would recommend coconut fat.
Butter must be replaced by nothing adequate.
Sunflower oil is better
Coke oil in no case. Very bad as palm fat.
Sunflower oil is there health
Bullshit, sunflower oil contains a lot of omega 6, which is very UNGESUND.
Coconut fat contains just as many saturated fatty acids, such as pig malt!🤪
Bro better than palm or coconut fat.
Trust your lie-science propaganda
So you still believe in this lie bear from this ancient US blog.
All right!
I’d rather trust science.
Eben not