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Coco is not necessarily a favorite product of me.
I almost like everything with coconut.
Besides the drink from our mobile beach bar in Italy, it tasted like poison.
3,50€ are unfortunately landed in the ton.
Coconut bar, coconut dessert (cocococos pudding with coconut flakes), a coconut (very delicious), coconut milk. So everything has to do with coconut.
Musli with fresh berries and over coconut milk
Coconuts as they are.
Followed by coconut water, coconut milk (to cook), coconut chips, coconut flakes, Rafaello.
But actually there’s hardly anything with coconut that I don’t like.
– Coconut milk for cooking
– fresh coconut to pick up
With the squeezed, dried coconut flakes I don’t have it like that. So I don’t like coconut macros.
without cocos.
I just take koskos-cream to cook. I like that very much. subtle taste, nice creamy and not these funny fussels in.
That’s it!
Peel? I always take the Aroy-D, there’s nix.
Coconut whistles because they are unbelievably tasty.
Coconut milk and Raffaello.
I like both very much
Pina Colada 😋
Oh, yeah. I sometimes drink the alcohol-free version. Pineapple juice + cream + Cocos
I used to like it.
I find a lot of tasteful, but don’t consume it.
shower gel
Oh, yes, I like
A fresh and whole coconut.