Kokain Wirkung?

Gude, warum werde ich eher ruhig auf Kokain und nicht aufgedreht? Werde auch extrem komisch auf dem Zeug, kann es aber leider irgendwie nicht beschreiben. Bei mir wurde ADHS diagnostiziert, hat das was damit zu tun? Laberflash kriege ich sehr selten, aber wenn ich ihn habe dann stark. Warum ist das so?

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2 years ago

The effect of cocaine is strongly dependent on the dose. Low doses can promote attention and concentration and increase self-confidence. Higher doses can lead to a feeling of euphoria, energy and pleasure. However, the effect lasts only a few minutes and is followed by a “crash” where the mood can quickly deteriorate and fatigue and depression can occur.

There are also some negative effects of cocaine that may vary depending on the dose and use. This includes:

  • Heart problems: cocaine can increase blood pressure and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Breath problems: cocaine can slow breathing and increase the risk of lung problems.
  • Mental problems: cocaine consumption can lead to anxiety, paranoia and mental disorders.
  • Dependence: cocaine is a addictive drug and long-term consumption can lead to dependence.

Cocaine is a dangerous drug and consumption can have serious health consequences. If you or someone you know have a problem with cocaine, you should use professional help.