kokain konsum?
moin ich habe in den letzten 4wochen kokain konsumiert am wochenende mind. 1 mal und wen ich betrunken bin habe ich den drang was zu konsumieren. hat jemand tips wie ich davon wieder weg komme oder kann mir jemand sagen ob das schon eine sucht ist
You could first try to avoid the situation in which you feel the urge of consumption. So either don’t go away (first time, for a few weeks,..?) and/or there not to drink alcohol, because it lets the inhibitory threshold for further consumption (in your case the cocaine) drop sharply.
Also, you could tell your friends about your desire and ask for support (e.g. that they will remind you of your project).
One more short info to me: I belong to a team of professional social workers who are on the net in search. We try to support and advise users, in particular on addiction and consumption. Our offer is of course free and anonymous.
If you have any more questions, you’d like to.
Best regards
Hannah from the DigiStreet team of drug help Schwaben gGmbH
You probably have often consumed alcohol and cocaine combined. Take that one, you feel a desire for the other. That’s just for explanation. You should definitely look for help to get away from it, it won’t work alone.
Lg and success
Only for correcting: The first sentence is a pure assumption that is probably not even true. The fact is that alcohol simply lowers the inhibitory threshold for everything else. Even though the two drugs have always been consumed separately, the probability is nevertheless very high that after the consumption of alcohol you also get pleasure for the other.
Even the phrase “everything is not going to be anything” is neither true nor beneficial, even if I’m sure you meant it well. Such statements discourage one but usually more and thus make the problem even greater. Of course, there can be the point where you can see that you don’t get it on your own. This can be the case with a dependency that you consume without actually wanting to. In this case, however, there are no indications of this.
you usually give it to me then I do stop but the next day I regret the ilmer so much fear that I can no longer party with alcohol but without koks you point like I mean
yes thank you
Ok, also a good decision (until the alcohol). In this case, it would probably really be the best to be sober for a time and then if it worked well to drink again and again. But watch the alcohol. He can ruin you very quickly.
yes I ciff actually does not want to do that anymore just hold alcoholf
Okay, I see. Then listen to the advice of and talk to your friends about it. You can then hold back in such situations and remember that you don’t want to. And it can actually also be very helpful not to drink for a time. Whatever I can recommend to you from my own experience, try to avoid mixing. Even if alcohol+cocaine is a very pleasant combination, it will beat a lot more to the heart than consumed individually and that simply does not pay off at the end.
A small tip from my own experience (imitation at your own risk): If you drank and are close to doing something you don’t want to do (because it’s cooking now or just drinking more than you actually wanted), smoke better just a small joint, then that usually has done.
Come on?
That’s NOCH a stupid habit.
No addiction, no dependency.
Leave it. Then it goes again (required and also combination) mentally in a few days to weeks.
Stop, look at horror pictures, become aware of the damage/inform. And then try to get away from that shit!
A therapy.
You must change life.
Joar drugs and drugs aren’t worse…
thank you very much
no ding when you think I was unharmed you thought wrong 🙂
It is not a question of potential harmlessness or dramatization, but rather that your answer does nothing constructively contribute to the issue. Comes over like a “brain farm”, but it had to be held in writing.