Kokain 2ng Postiv oder negativ?
Hallo bei mit wurde in der JVA damals ein drogenscreening gemacht ob der test durchs Labor oder schnelltest gemacht wurde weiß ich nicht.
Aber bei mir steht kokain 2ng/ml
Aber kein Abbau Produkt von kokain.
Hatte aber mit kokain noch nie was zutun wie kann mein Labor befund 2ng kokain bei mir finden?
2ng is a rather low value. Was other substances perhaps contaminated? It could be that, when weighing a substance, residues from the previous, in this case cocaine, were weighed.
It is normal that small amounts of drugs may be found in urine, even if these drugs have never been consumed.
That is why there is a cutoff, and only when it is exceeded is the test considered positive. With cocaine, this is usually 300ng, that’s 150 times more than you found.
Let’s test you again if it’s important to you… Laboratory errors are coming up.
Quick tests only indicate “positive” or “negative” but not the value in ng
The laboratory is found over 2 years ago.
The mpu stelle wanted all the old drug screening from prison.
For the mpu but made 15 months abstinence.
Doesn’t know now that this old laboratory has been able to use against me but 100% did not consume anything, but there is also no degradation substance standing just 2ng kokain.
Since 2016, there has been no more consumption in the opinion now I don’t know if they could subvert me at 2ng kokain to have cosumed something else in 2020.