Kofferraum Klappe Reparieren?
Hallo an meinem Kofferraum ist die Stange bzw die Schraube für unten kaputt das heißt meine Kofferraumklappe wird nicht mehr oben gehalten! Wie teuer ist sowas ungefähr in der Werkstatt?
Hallo an meinem Kofferraum ist die Stange bzw die Schraube für unten kaputt das heißt meine Kofferraumklappe wird nicht mehr oben gehalten! Wie teuer ist sowas ungefähr in der Werkstatt?
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You could also exchange the damper yourself, probably costs 20-30€ in the accessory….just screw release and the new screw…in the workshop you will probably pay 100-150€ depending on the vehicle
This is a gas pressure spring
The problem the screw where it is attached is also out on one side below
As long as it’s just out, it’s not a problem if it’s torn down, but that should be done.
This will have been the clamp,but if the new damper had to be there,just ask and otherwise order
because I only have the screw where this is a plate and where I pulled out the disk something has fallen inside
Normally there is a clamp with thread pressed in
So there’s a hole now I think the screw was fixed from inside with a nut, of course I don’t have to pull you screw on it anymore?
The part you need is gas pressure damper or gas spring.
You can order the gas spring on the internet because it will probably be cheaper than as an original spare part at the car dealer.
The installation is uncomplicated, you get it yourself.
You need a gas spring
Can order it at z.b Autodoc and incorporate it is not difficult and should create it yourself:)
in the workshop it would cost 30 – 80€ more.