Kofferraum des Ford Fiestas öffnet sich ständig von alleine?
Meiner Mutter ihr Kofferraum öffnet sich seit einigen Wochen von selbst,würde das Problem gerne selbst beheben,hat jemand Tipps wie ich num vorgehen soll und an was das liegen könnte? Danke schonmal!!
Clean the trunk lock properly (WD 40 o.a.), then lubricate it should work again…
does the ding have an electrically opening box space, so with drive?
how do I have to open it?
at my insignia it was so that I came out of the door early at 5 and the goat stood open across the block. also on the parking lot at work or on the super market parking lot.
the luke did what she wanted without taking part from me. in the end was moisture in the lock which caused the phenomena.