Kofferraum 1er BMW?


ich muss heute eine Regal bei Ikea abholen und das größte Paket ist 1.27m lang. Meine Frage ist, ob das Paket in den Kofferraum des 1er BMWs passt wenn man die Rückbank umklappt. Den Beifahrersitz kann ich leider nicht umklappen, kann mir da jemand Erfahrungen oder genaue Maße sagen?

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2 years ago

Either as already wrote: flipping and measuring


if you don’t have a Bock just look into the manual or read it in the sales brochure

2 years ago
Reply to  bergfan1971

found within ten seconds

BMW 1er (F40): Models, technical data & prices | BMW.de

And in the manual there is certainly something in there that have somewhere exactly such a sketch that is more detailed inscribed

AND the easiest thing is: Go to the car, change seats and just remeasure. Is ne cause less than five minutes

2 years ago

Take a limb scale to your hand and measure it. I’m sure it’ll keep you going as soon as you get here.

2 years ago
Reply to  archibaldesel

I’m sure you can explain what’s a limb scale. I think it’s just a handful

2 years ago

Why don’t you go down the seat, take a customs stick and just take a look?

2 years ago

Fold and measure.