kodiertes Autoradio?
Hello, ich habe mir jetzt ein neues Auto gekauft (corsa c 1.0) und das Radio ist kodiert, sprich man braucht einen Code dafür. Den habe ich jetzt nicht gefunden, wollte aber sowieso ein neues Radio einbauen. Kann man das neue Radio einbauen ohne dass das Auto rumspinnt quasi nicht annimmt?
that is thought of as theft protection for the radio.
if the new one fits, can fit
I don’t get the old one anymore, do I?
but you can get the code at Opel as you can verify yourself as owner and owner of the car. evtl can also help you with the next Opel dealer. if it’s the original radio. but as TheMonkfood writes, it will be.though no one wants to have it.
If the factory radio is, you can dispose of it as an electric scrap. No one wants
There should have been some kind of key card in the form of a check card – but if the radio was not originalrpackt it might have been lost.
have the car from the second hand, it must have been lost
If the radio is original, a dealer can unlock the radio.
The new radio has nothing to do with the old one. Correctly clamped it works
Thanks 🙂