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But at least three times a week if I don’t have the day meal of my host house. And often on weekends and holidays.
I like to cook and want to eat something sensible, ready meals rarely come to the table, even though I usually only cook for myself alone.
I cook for 2 days, my partner cooks or we’re going to eat. I hate cooking, bake better if then 😅
But very often. I love cooking for friends and family.
No, I eat mainly outside. Cook rarely.
also with mcdonalds or backwork?
Almost daily. If I’m on a mission, of course not.
Cook often also for my parents or help my mother🥰
but only at the weekend somewhat smaller as tacos, asian or burger
under the week I am too tired and buy ready meals
from the discounter for the oven
so often prefabricated meals I am at the moment just as I don’t find good prefabricated dishes haha
yes you have to look! there are good but are usually more expensive
My wife cooks fresh every day. With us there is no ready food or below the edible
Does her wife also cook a delicious bean stew with speck?
I don’t cook, I could, but I’m really bad in it, I’m always gonna have to burn it up, and I’m gonna have to wash it off forever. Thanks to the stupid feminism, we all have no more woman who cooks for us. So I just go to restaurants and let a nice waitress bring my food if there is enough money left by brothel visits and alcohol, otherwise I eat cookies, very many cookies and dry bread and water or iced tea, somehow I just have to survive, some days I eat nothing.
Don’t want to. Am 24/7 tired, therefore no motivation.
what are you eating?
Yes likes very fresh
No. I’d be too exhausting. I cook on stock. Thanks to the inventor of the freezer. And I’m not afraid of ready meals.
Have no use for that.
I like to cook stuff you can eat for several days.