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I cook over 90% with fresh ingredients. Only from time to time there are TK vegetables or canned foods (e.g. corn, past/piece tomatoes, ….).
I don’t have the right final dishes. So no finished pizza, soups, etc
I don’t always cook fresh. I also have Tiecool and canned food.
I don’t get ready-pamp on my plate. However, I often use frozen vegetables (Spinat, Broccoli, Rosenkohl …) as a supplement. In addition, I often cook (single) so much (single) that it is enough for two meals. The next day it tastes so good.
I like to cook, also have a garden where I grow a lot of myself – that just tastes much better – food comes from the refrigerator at my maximum
If it is possible in time.
With these three options, I naturally cook fresh, but sometimes also for a few days in advance, which I then warm up. But I have neither freezers nor refrigerators in operation.
…some fresh. Frozen frozen only if it doesn’t change.
tastes better
Just fresh.
Sometimes I also take vegetables from the cooling, otherwise everything is always fresh.
Since I have the opportunity… fresh!