Koche gerade Rinderbrühe aus 2kg Fleisch, Gemüse und 4 Markknochen. Was macht ihr alles dazu?
Folgende Zutaten habe ich verwendet:
- >= 2 kg Fleisch u. Knochen
- 4 Stangen Lauch
- 1/2 Knolle- u. Staudensellerie
- 5 Zwiebeln mit Schale
- 5 Petersilienwurzeln
- 15 Möhren
- Pfeffer, Senfsaat, Lorbeerblätter und Piment
- 2 FL. Weißwein
- 7l Wasser
was fehlt —außer Salz natürlich?
Just wanted to say I’m coming by. Eating 😎I’m a soup food.. I’d like to eat this now.
Thank you for the recipe. 🥰
LG Sky
Hello Hinterfrager1
I was totally surprised because I got the star 🌟 shortly after my answer. Ich have delighted me very much about this on this our planet🌍 only the best of all hearts 💛
Stay healthy watch out for you
LG Sky….🌈
Your ingredients list looks very good! In addition to salt, the following could be inserted:
Garlic, so you like for extra taste.
thyme or rosemary to intensify the taste.
Evtl. still some tomato paste for a deeper color and also tastes very good.
Depending on the taste also vinegar or lemon juice, because a splash of acid can round off the aromas.
Just as an idea.
Good appetite, LG.
I already have the “spray acid” through the wine. But thank you very much for the extra flavors. Very interesting.
OK, I don’t use wine myself, but of course I’m right.
Please, I am happy and now I am hungry, LG 😀
Thanks, there’s something in the evening and there’s probably carving with potato puree and a little vegetables. LG:D
🤣 Good appetite! What is it?
To roast bones, onions and tomato marrow (I will pack) and then remove with wine (because the sauce becomes dark, take red wine).
Not to add everything at once to liquid, but to let it be reduced and then refilled, which later gives a beautiful shine of the sauce.
Thank you very much, but there is no sauce, but a cattle broth. For soups and so on or as fond
Upps sorry I read that. Then naturally white and leave tomato paste. To roast only the onions at the cutting edge. Use cold water and let only slightly simmer
make even laurel leaves pure, onions, pores, carrots, some thyme, cabbage beet, knob hole, peppercorns, bouquet garni, celery( roots and leaves) cloves
Cut the onion, roast it (it will be a little black) and cook with it.
The broths eat: white bread slices toasten, rub them strongly with knob hole and the broth over it
I know there are some red wine in the plate, called Bouillon colonial
The ingredients list is almost my own. But nice ideas that you give to it!
Thank you.
you can if you like to make a piece of hosting or white cabbage
Oh, good idea
I’ll take more beef bones as well. On 2 kg of meat (rib breast and leg disc) about 1 kg of bone.
Furthermore, coarsely comminuted carrots, tubercelain, the dark green of the rag, parsley, lovage, thyme, not too much perennial cellar, parsley root, garlic, laurel leaves, carnations, juniper berry Piment, salt, pepper, slightly ground chili and a handful of dried stone mushrooms.
To clarify the soup/break
I need carrots, tubers, leek (white), parsley root, protein (per l broth, 1 protein) salt. about 1 kg of lean bovine meat
I carefully cut root vegetables in fine Julienne and then add them in portions to the broth. In 3 minutes, the vegetables are even.
Fresh lovage and fresh parsley.
I don’t use pepper, mustard seed, laurel leaves, piment and white wine. Instead of 5 onions, I only take one (half) that I roast.
But you’ve been watching the crowd?
Yeah, I did.
Then you found the perfect solution. And so I wish you, your beef and your five onions a nice weekend.
🤦 That in a perfect menu nothing should taste, have you never heard?!
Well, then the five onions were really worth it. 😉
I just tasted, and it doesn’t taste like onions at all.
I don’t want the taste. Otherwise I’d cook an onion soup. 😉
But the onion also gives off a slightly sweet taste that is desired.
Give me the color you want in the soup reduced.
But then why half an onion?
I’ve never given wine to beef broth. 🤷
And I’m ashamed of the onions.
The rest I’d throw in. And still sweetheart. 😊
With me, there are still cloves in the broth and if I have lovage and no wine.
Nelken… 🤔 hmmm. I can try — and I have no lovage, at most as a spice (of course no Maggi!).
Wiso make you wine in it should be brewed and no sauce…
This is also a soup thought you want to make a broth, but no matter your recipe your composition
You can also make wine on oxtail soup!
You’re missing half.
This has to be done.
Scaby clover, Ancho Chili, Macis powder, Sumach spice
That’s what’s going on.
Forgot pyramid salt.