Knubbel im hoden?
Hallo ich habe vor unter der Dusche meine hoden abgetastet und einen Knubbel überhalb meines linken hoden ertasten. Jetzt hab ich nochmal getestet und jetzt ist er weg.
Was kann das sein?
es tut nicht weh oder so
Danke im voraus
Sagt bitte nicht ich soll zum arzt weil da trau ich mich nd des is mir peinlich
Can it possibly have been the beginning of the sperm conductor at the lower part of the secondary hode? Just guessed. No online diagnosis. But if it’s gone, it may not be a change in shape. Cancer wouldn’t just disappear. Continue scanning regularly. And even if it’s unpleasant, if something really appears, you have to bite in the acid apple and let you examine.
So stop hurting zero and is not always there
Pain is, unfortunately, not a sufficient indication. Clearly if pain is present (permanent or extreme), then it must be cut off because it must have a cause. But there are also things that do not cause pain in the beginning. That’s why it makes sense for early detection.
All right, thank you
I can at least give myself a hand. As I said, I’m not an expert. And even if I were one, I wouldn’t offer an online diagnosis.
But can it also be completely harmless or and that would just be the strand that gathers like that?
Sure. Can I think I have many causes.
All right, I’ll watch this.
I can’t tell you about that.
Then it was the same strands but why are they standing so too nem knubbel and. In sitting or lying completely normal there is simply nix more
yes he is. (googling helps – gives enough pictures)
Okay good but it feels full after the same hardships or the extra cost but it’s right at the test or?
Yes, I say, if you’re insecure, go to the Urologist.
He’s here for that. He sees testicles and penises every day that doesn’t care about them and doesn’t need to be embarrassing.
You have no rest before. And no one here can say exactly what it is now. What if more people say is nix, and you go too late to the doctor?
Don’t mean it’s a bad thing. But honestly, I wouldn’t rely on statements here.
That was perhaps a new portion of sperm for the prostate in the sperm.
May have been the secondary or parts of the seed strand. 100% safety is only the doctor. Does it hurt or does it feel completely funny? Was it there before?
is long since idk ne hurts net and is also only standing there and also net always
When you talk to your parents and show them?
Show what? He doesn’t write it anymore? “Look: nothing:” is simply not a sensible approach