Knubbel an beiden eiern hodenkrebs?

Hallo bin m 14ich habe an meinen linken ei einen knubbel endeckz ist ungefähr so gros wie eine erbse und fülht sich hart an habe nach ein paar tagen gemerkz das am anderen ei auch ein knubbel ist der ist aber viel kleiener ich hsbe gehört das es hodenkrebs sein kan und habe an angst ich will auch nicht zum artzt weil ich kein bock habe das die meien eier sehen

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1 year ago

You’ll probably feel the secondary. It is sometimes somewhat more filled with sperm, which then staggers there, on the way to the prostate.
Asking a doctor is of course safer.

1 year ago

Anyway, go to the doctor.

Hode cancer is very easy to treat if you let it be investigated early enough.

Don’t have to be cancer.

Dear the Arzr your testicles show that you have in the end unnoticed cancer..

1 year ago

Go to the doctor and let it go. It can be cancer, but it doesn’t have to be. Without accurate examination, you can’t make a diagnosis

1 year ago

It depends on you whether you want to continue living in security or insecurity. A safe answer can only give you a doctor.

1 year ago

If all cancers that Doctor believe in Google’s horror stories, Germany would have died.

Next opportunity to make an appointment with the urologist and let everything check through. Hormone levels wouldn’t be wrong either.

Simply book and be sure of the package.

1 year ago

Of course, the cancer can be, but it can also be something completely harmless. If you don’t go to the doctor, you’ll never know the right answer. No one can see here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jordan773

It’s all your thing, whether you go to the doctor or not.