Knubbel Am Hoden nach Urologen?

Hey Leute! Ich im Mai beim Urologen weil ich einen deutlichen Knubbel an meinem Hoden bemerkt hab. Er hat abgetastet, geröntgt alles mögliche, nichts gefunden meinte nur der Hoden ist entzündet. Habe die Tabletten genommen und hatte bis gestern keine Probleme/Schmerzen mehr. Jetzt spüre aber wieder diese Schmerzen und ganz klar den Knubbel. Es ist doch unmöglich wenn er geröntgt und getastet hat, das er den Knubbel übersieht oder? Danke für eure Antworten!

Lg 🙂

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2 years ago

But go to another urologist and let yourself be investigated and well advised and tell him your problem and that you prescribed a medicine and your complaints are still there.

As well as the cube on your testicles, which you still feel, through the pain you have.

Then tell the doctor that you notice differences when you no longer take medications against the pain and that the nubble is not overlooked. Then one only told you the testicle was inflamed and no more.

Please go to the doctor or call the doctor. Or maybe get a second opinion from the other Urologen.

I mean, as a woman, I’m going to another female doctor if I didn’t mean that my female doctor had recognized the problem. So in the past, I have let myself be super helpful by another female doctor then, with my concerns what I had at that time. That went all the way back after a super treatment.

2 years ago

It’s impossible he’s roasted

2 years ago
Reply to  Kajne

You want to be infertile

2 years ago

Maybe change the urologist 🤷 ♂️