Knoten der nicht aufgeht?
Hi , ich möchte einen Knoten machen der nicht aufgeht .Ich habe nachgeschaut und für mein Seil (für meine Aufgabe ) wären Palsteck , kapuzinerknoten , Achterknoten .Ich wollte euch fragen welcher von den 3 Knoten sicherer ist der nicht aufgeht ?
Danke sehr 🙂
I recommend Ashley Book of nodes. In it, many nodes are sorted by intended use. Good drawings, good English text.
Other hand-over knots, double hand-over knots (first knot made by two fingers, wrapped again and plugged through everything), monkey fist (filled), eight knots, … (all single-strand thickening knots or throwing knots)
half a daughter is a knot for eternality.
You have to make the palasp around an object, otherwise it doesn’t work.
the Franciscan – not kapuziner – node is rather a jewelry node or a stopper node.
the daughter is a two-thirds kapuziner.
if you have to stick a bit tight with the node, I recommend a saddle node. if you need to connect something so that it can’t be removed, but from the other side it must be easy to solve at any time, I recommend a simple connection node for connecting animals.
and if you don’t want to get out, what the node is needed – overhand nodes. fast, easy and durable. or – even easier – half a stroke.
I have a cotton rope and in the middle of the rope a ball .I want to make a loop and so the ball can’t fly out at the beginning and end of the rope. I want to make 2 knots that are safe .For the loop I have to make Palsteck (is he sure because of going up?) And at the other end of one of the 2 other methods .
PS have -0 Idea of node haha
Can you draw a sketch? Does the ball have a hole?
for the loop, you just make a hand node. for the other end the Frenchman.
I think this node is sufficiently certain that it does not dissolve unintentionally. In order to solve it, you need some patience and fingerfulness if it has been properly done beforehand.
Yes the ball does not slip through .is this knot safe to go up?
If the node is larger than the hole, then it fulfills its purpose, I guess.
Hello, yes the ball has a hole. I made the ball at the beginning and at the end with 2 Capuchin nodes next to each other.
That depends on what you want to do with it. What’s your job?
I have a cotton rope and in the middle of the rope a ball .I want to make a loop and so the ball can’t fly out at the beginning and end of the rope. I want to make 2 knots that are safe .For the loop I have to make Palsteck (is he sure because of going up?) And at the other end of one of the 2 other methods .