Ich w 17 hatte heute tiefe dumpfe Schmerzen im unterschenkel aber nur ganz kurz für Sekunden ich glaube das war im Sitzen. Danach paar Stunden später hatte ich ein ziehen im Kniegelenk paar mal.. Da oberschenkel die häufigste Lokalisation ist wollte ich fragen was uhr glaubt ich mache mkr nämlich sorgen
No, I’m sure it’s not that it’s not always the same thing to do when picking somewhere.
Very unlikely that it is bone cancer.
More like a muscle spade
With 17 very, very unlikely. Relax. You can go to the family doctor.
Neee the most common diseases among the under 18 years old are the 15-19 years old I have expected there are about 12-19 girls affected at age
How many? From 100? Then it is 12 to 19%. From 1,000,000? Then it is 0.0012 to 0.0019.
and my research says at age is the most common disease with these symptoms of growth pain!
How can one think of bone cancer only in the case of first-time pain? For seconds and pulling lol
Can’t really understand
you don’t have cancer if you hurt somewhere
And psychologist for hypochondria.
Do you think I have what?🫠
Yes, hypochondria.
You have nothing. It’s not important.
Sure, and sudden brain death too.
It happens. It has nothing to do with cancer.