Knochen gefunden – welches Tier?

Hey zusammen!

Ich habe als Kind viele kleine und größere Knochen bei uns im Garten gefunden, als unser Haus gebaut und somit das Grundstück umgegraben wurde. Kann mir jemand sagen was das für ein Schädel ist, bzw eben von welchem Tier das sein könnte?

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8 years ago

I doubt that this is a skull, if not everything deceives me, it is the oscoxae, i.e. the hip bone of a bird. In the middle picture you even see a sacral vertebrae and the vertebral canal. I can’t tell you the genus 🙂

8 years ago

Looks less like a skull

8 years ago

This is certainly not a skull, probably a part of the back with a piece of the spine. The many holes should be openings for emerging nerves.

8 years ago

there someone says: not a skull, but a bone of a bird see

8 years ago

Could be a rehkitz from the size and shape, but I don’t know. Another possibility would be fox. Did you find your teeth?

8 years ago
Reply to  YOLO0129

Can you take a picture of it?

8 years ago
Reply to  YOLO0129

Believe me, write best times what they look like 🙂

Do they look like teeth from a dog, or are they flat??