Knoblauch <-> unangenehmer Körpergeruch?
Ich dachte immer, die Leute meinen, dass man dann aus dem Mund nach Knoblauch riecht, aber meine Mutter meint, dass man allgemein einen schlechten Körpergeruch hat nachdem man etwas mehr Knoblauch gegessen hat (am Tag danach etwa).
Ich selbst kann mich nicht erinnern, das mal gerochen zu haben.
Habt ihr diesen Knoblauch-Körpergeruch mal bemerkt oder gibt es den überhaupt?
Esse sehr gerne Knoblauch, möchte aber natürlich nicht stinken.
Yeah, that can get out of the pores. But of a little garlic nothing happens to me. I think there’s a lot to eat.
Yes, then it can’t be avoided because it’s “breading” around the whole body.
Yes, the garlic smell comes with the sweat from all pores, not just from mouth and nose..
For those who have not eaten garlic, it smells unpleasantly like Kot.
So three days before interviews or before the first date: Knobi ban
Smokers stink for non-smokers similar repulsive.
the question is what stinks means.
I came into a room once, couldn’t find any house craftsmen, and still smelled like someone was welding.
So it wasn’t, a colleague had eaten garlic on the day before.
I still know this from the time I eat garlic in combination with meat.
Garlic can only be eaten together. If you smell yourself, you don’t smell the others anymore.
I heard that a lot earlier.
Eat further garlic – it is DEINE health.