Knoblauch essen trotz Blähungen?

Hallo zusammen,

ich liebe Knoblauch… und wenn ich sage ich liebe Knoblauch dann meine ich das auch.

Wenn im Rezept steht “eine Zehe”, knalle ich ne halbe Knolle rein…

Jetzt ist es so, dass ich am nächsten Tag ziemlich unangenehm immer Blähungen bekomme… unterdrückte Pupse sind nicht gut aber nen Arbeitstag komm ich immer gut weg damit.

Würdet ihr nie wieder Knoblauch deswegen essen? Auch wenn ihr Knoblauch unglaublich nice finden würdet?

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3 months ago

Your pups,

Love Lenasopie,

do not have to do with your healthy garlic consumption! Rather, I have the suspicion that you have a too high consumption, an absolutely unhealthy excess of empty and bad carbohydrates, e.g. by sweets (an excess of bad, empty carbohydrates + an excess of bad fat) or salty white flour products + a lot of bad fat, which leads to your microbiome of your intestine getting out of balance and having increased composition!

So you should go into yourself and ask yourself if you are taking a genetically healthy food (no candy and instead of, among other things, a lot of fruit, nuts and healthy vegetables) so that your microbiome can be in line with your healthy lifestyle and nutrition? And if this is not the case, what I strongly suspect is that you should change your diet to healthy, so that your body can live in harmony with healthy diet and your intestine can rest and work healthy, just as it is its task!

It means: Death sits in the intestine and what your intestine currently does is that it sends you warning signals, better, and above all differently, to deal with it by feeding you differently, namely art-friendly!

Good luck!

3 months ago
Reply to  Lenasopie

Yes, dear Lenasopie, do that! If I can give you a tip! Look around on the internet after the delicious and also healthy classic mid-sized kitchen! To explore in the user friendly and valuable portal “Centre of Health”, from which I trustfully refer a large part of my health information. Or take a look at the nutritional form of the nutrition expert Prof. Nicolai Worm, who has helped and helps many people with his “LOGI method” as it largely adheres to the classic Mediterranean diet and is also very healthy and delicious!

And I too, dear Lenasopie, am a Knobi freak and love him! Good luck!

3 months ago

Imagine the choice that a spice can still survive when all others are straightened out and I decide for garlic… and then scrape off a few days later because I lack the vital salts 😂

I want to say that I understand you 110%.

Blowings are unpleasant, but not harmful to health.
If I didn’t die by the consumption of garlic (at the same time to damp my first statement a bit) then I would definitely not stop it. It just tastes too good (:

ps: favorite court Aglio é Olio

And if it takes you to London, the “Garlic & Shots” pub will make a visit, you’ll love everything in there. And surprisingly, after my visit there the next day I had absolutely no side effects!

3 months ago

Hello Lenasopie👋

You don’t have to give it up, but you may reduce it if you consume it so excessively.

3 months ago

Have you ever been to dinner with the Indian and then have “Mukhwas”?

This not only ensures a fresh breath, but it also massively supports your digestion.

In particular, “poor air” is not available even in still so strongly seasoned dishes. Be it garlic or chili. Also it doesn’t burn a second time when you understand how I mean ^^.

1 good painted teaspoon after an opulent meal help here true wonders + it tastes slightly sweet and very pleasant.

Get a small 100gr bag for a few euros at Amazon etc.

3 months ago

I’m sorry but I wouldn’t eat too much garlic but never so much but who it tastes must be aware that you get blows before all at so much eat just a little less when you have a conversation the next day 😅😆LG Luise

3 months ago

Just chew a couple of cumin seeds that help with bloating.

Give up garlic?

3 months ago
Reply to  Hoppenla

Hey cool I didn’t know

3 months ago

Well, finally a woman who likes garlic and pupsts. Had no problem with it

3 months ago
Reply to  Lenasopie

Garlic is very healthy yes, very precisely, then they also have to eat knobi 😌

Your pups will not smell worse than your garlic fascinate 😄?

Before me you can always pups, find it sexy when women furt 🤦🤦😅

3 months ago

Eat only one toe every day. Then it’s better