Knie Probleme nach dem Ski Fahren?

War bereits beim Orthopäden, der vermutete, dass meine Patellasehne entzündet sei, während meine Physiotherapeutin anderer Meinung ist. Trotzdem habe ich starke Schmerzen beim Beugen des Knies, insbesondere beim Treppensteigen oder Stolpern, jedoch keine Schmerzen beim geraden Gehen. Obwohl Röntgen und Ultraschall( Entzündung ) keine klare Diagnose ergaben, wurde kein MRT durchgeführt. Die Schmerzen halten seit meinem Skiurlaub vor etwa einem Monat konstant an, und trotz vier Arztbesuchen bin ich verzweifelt und weiterhin schmerzgeplagt. 🫤

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1 year ago

In such cases, no “clear” diagnosis is often made.

Diagnostics have already been carried out which could exclude certain injuries. For example, you know that nothing is broken or torn. There will therefore be no need for a serene position or even an operating system. In this case, further radiological diagnostics would only be an additional radiation exposure for you, while the likelihood of identifying new and, above all, essential information is extremely low. All further injuries, i.e., for example, the inflammation due to overstimulation, are anyway treated equally, and therefore it is not necessary to further differentiate even in diagnostics.

From experience with the so-called “running knee”, I know that such inflammations can be very often cause of pain. Especially on the legs and especially when you sit a lot in everyday life (office job). This also happens to people who, like me, are very sporty on the go, but for example largely do without regular stretching units (also are annoying, these exercises…). However, such inflammatory injuries can be cured very well by gentleness and regular stretching, i.e. patience (approximately 6 weeks) and a bit of overcoming, unloved stretching exercises need to be done, but painkillers, bandages, creams or even surgery can be dispensed with in the long term.

This means that only if a conservative treatment does not bring any improvement over the next few weeks will the risk of a renewed radiological imaging be rewarded for you for a more accurate diagnosis.

1 year ago

Yes Doctors…

Go on!

Wasn’t MRT done yet?