Knattern im Subwoofer?
Es hört sich an als ob etwas im subwoofer knattert. der andere macht das nicht. hab bei dem knatternden vorrübergehen schaumstoff reingeklebt am rand in das gummi. dann ging es auch wieder. nur jetzt möchte ich eine dauerhafte lösung und möchte daher wissen woran es liegen könnte. es ist ein doppel 15er selbstbau sub.
If you prevent the membrane from vibrating and the disturbing noises in question are gone while the music is still playing a bit, it is a mechanical problem.
The colored bead together with “Senon” says everything: You get what you pay for… 😉
Comparing about image search confirms what I had in my head when I saw the photo: It is the “DYH 1530”. In Bastler Circles better known than this exclusive woofer with the red bead, which was offered in the Conrad catalog as a substitute. The fact that your now yellow is burned does not change:
This is a cheap woofer that is used for Krachkists, Bollerwagen, DIY loudspeakers (where the craft is at the forefront) and Bastelexperimente.
Not suitable for serious Hifi.
You also try to build a subwoofer with this Wooferchassis.
For so low the driver is not made and also not suitable!
There are 4 types of tweeters that should not be confused: