Knalleffekte beim Rammsteinkonzert?

Ich werde dies Jahr mein allererstes Rammsteinkonzert besuchen. Leider habe ich beim Bestellen nicht daran gedacht das ich eine Art Knallphobie habe. Wie oft knallt es so richtig? Und meint ihr ich mache mich nicht zum Affen mit Oropax?

Sitze auf der Tribüne fast oben.

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10 months ago

At Rammstein, it’s an elementary part of the show that’s going to light up the sky….that’s why you go to the concert, usually you know. So with a hearing protection, it won’t be done.

10 months ago

Well, at Rammstein, it’ll be a couple of times. At the beginning of “Ramm4” is a bang. At the beginning, “several addiction” is also very often. It’ll be a couple of times in other songs. Noise, noise and noise are part of the show at Rammstein. 🔥

With Oropax, you’re not ridiculous. Rammstein is loud, and some ears are more sensitive than others.
Nobody’s gonna talk to you about it. 🤘

10 months ago

Unfortunately, when ordering, I did not think about having a kind of knallphobia.

Yes then either R.I.P. or don’t go. Fireworks is an essential part of the Rammstein shows. And you don’t do a favor with earopax, so it sounds crap. They do not damp the frequencies linearly, so you need a specially adapted ear protector.

10 months ago

Why would you make a monkey with hearing protection?

If you use the foam hearing protection plug correctly, you don’t see anyone from the outside….