Klipper WLAN ändern?
Hi, wie kann ich bei meinem BTT CB2 das WLAN ändern
Hi, wie kann ich bei meinem BTT CB2 das WLAN ändern
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To change the WLAN on your BTT CB2, there are two options: via the SD card or via SSH access
If you have access to the SD card, you can turn off the device, remove the SD card and plug it into your computer. Open the mainsailos-wpa-supplicant.txt or network_config.txt file with a text editor, change the WLAN data (SSID and password) and save the file. Then you put the SD card back into the BTT CB2 and restart it
If your device is already connected to the network, you can access SSH. To do this, find out the IP address of the device, connect to a program like PuTTY or Mobaxterm and log in with username: biqu and password: biqu. Then open the /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file, change the WLAN data there and restart the device with sudo reboot
If you do not have access to the SD card or SSH, a temporary Ethernet port can help to connect. If you need a step-by-step video, you can watch the video “BTT – Manta E3EZ – CB2 Simple EMMc install” on YouTube