Klimaticket auch in Deutschland?
Glaubt ihr, dass in Deutschland auch ein Klimaticket kommt wie in Österreich? Dort kostet es 1095€ und berechtigt die Nutzung des ÖPNV und Züge der ÖBB im ganzen Land. Wäre doch ne feine Sache, aber der Steuerzahler muss auch dafür aufkommen (können).
I do not want to finance the railway (still further) unless I only and very rarely use the ÖPNV!
We have the Bahncard instead.
It costs 4.144€. A bunch of money.
Or you can simply use the 25s or 50s version, which will be enough for most. There are also separate discounts for some groups of persons.
On the distance certainly sensible, depending on how far you drive and whether the ICE needs. However, a climate ticket would still be very nice if they did not overdo it with the price, such as in Austria https://bahn-sparpreis.de/klimaticket.html
Perhaps it is quite different and is not even made according to the Austrian model. At present, every federal state again cooks its own sweetheart.