Small business tax return, do I have to pay anything at all?


I became self-employed in May 2022. I registered this with the tax office as a small business and did not need to register a business.
The self-employment lasted for 3 months, until the end of July, because then I started an apprenticeship and part-time jobs were not allowed.

Now I probably still have to file a tax return in 2023. What deadline do I have?

And my income from self-employment amounts to about €2,500 in total!
Now the question is, how should I calculate this? You have to calculate the revenue generated over the entire year, or extrapolate these three months to the entire year.

I only have to pay income tax.

Does income from other jobs that have already been taxed, such as employment at a Corona test center, also count, or only income from self-employment?

If I were to do my tax return, I would prefer to do it myself because I probably pay so little tax anyway that a tax advisor would be much more expensive.

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2 years ago

like a job in the Corona Test Centre…

If this was a minijob and the minijob employer has for you the 2% flat-rate tax you have to pay this mini-job wage not in your Ek control statement 😉

Otherwise, as a single you have a basic amount of currently 10.347€ + 1,200€ advertising cost package; 11.547€ are therefore total income tax-free!

Greetings siola55

2 years ago

You don’t have to raise anything. You enter the actual income and expenditure of commercial activity and then pay on profit the tax rate corresponding to your income, which will be quite low as an apprentice.

2 years ago

I registered this with the tax office as a small company and did not need a commercial registration.

That’s wrong. A small entrepreneur must also register a trade if he exercises one.

You should calculate or calculate the turnover generated throughout the year. Calculate these three months all year.

But only for the calculation whether the turnover exceeds the free limit of €2,000. The sales tax statement includes actual sales.

Also count the revenues from other jobs, which have already been taxed, such as an employment in the Corona Test Centre, or just those from independent activity?

All revenues from all jobs are included, provided they are one of the seven types of income tax legislation. An exception applies to mini-jobs, if the employer has taken over the levies on a flat-rate basis, then the statement of revenue in the income tax statement is omitted.